Who Says Grand Mums are Fragile?

In late November 2004, on our first trip to Uganda, we met this grand mum. Although she felt she was “too old to look after the children of my dead children,” she demonstrated a distinct resilience. For years, we’d wondered what became of this “aging angel.” 

Bishop Bameka solved the mystery.  When I asked for his reaction to the “Ululations from the GrandMums” blog piece, he responded, “The last photo of the Grand Mum with many kids (above) is the very Grand Mum in the photo you first posted when you launched the project.  She is from Nakabango and still has responsibility of raising Gran-grand kids 16 years since you last met her.” 

Simply amazing. Who says grandmas are fragile? 


Somut and Ra-Ey


Ululations from the GrandMums